District 7690 Membership Focus:
Take Action to GROW

PDG Jon Spillman
District Membership Chair

March 2024

Membership Tools & Resources new Section.

November 2022

Thanksgiving Message – A Simple Act of Kindness that Changed the World

Fifty years ago this month, there was a knock at a door, and a 12-year-old boy and his stepfather answered. At the door was man with a bag of groceries in one arm and a turkey and a pot in the other. Apparently, one of their neighbors knew that this boy’s family did not have financial resources to prepare a traditional Thanksgiving meal.

The stepfather’s pride caused him to hesitate to accept the meal, but pressured by need, the stepfather agreed to accept the gift. The young boy saw how much pain it caused his stepfather to admit need, and he vowed to never let that happen to his own family and promised himself that he would one day repay the kindness.

In 2014, Tony Robbins launched 1 billion meals challenge with Feeding America. Through the gifts of thousands of people, as well as matching contributions from Tony Robbins and other donors, over 900 million people in need over the past eight years have been provided meals by this continuing act of kindness.

This story is meaningful for us for two reasons. First, our Rotary membership focus this month encourages us to reach out to change lives and give people an opportunity to be a part of the Rotary experience.  Secondly, the story reminds us that you never know how a simple act of kindness can change the world.

According to Tony Robbins, “The secret to living is giving. Life is calling to us to give.” We should share Rotary with our community by inviting others to join us in our Rotary experience.


Membership Summit 2022

Our Membership Summit, the signature membership event of the year, was held on August 25th at 9:00am at Sedgefield Country Club. We heard from club leaders from around the district who have generated 4 new clubs and recruited 100 new members this past year. In addition to receiving cutting edge tools, participants walked out with a customized plan so that every club can Take Action to Grow this year.

Discover Rotary PowerPoint



Recordings of our Membership Training Events 

These monthly zoom recordings can be found on our Innovative Clubs page.

Membership Recruitment Tools

Flyer to use at club meetings & events!